Terri's Little Haven
A big Thank you goes out to Terri for featuring "My recent favorite books" on her blog ~ visit her at the following link http://www.terrislittlehaven.com/Terri posts all kinds of recipes, Nature ideas, kid friendly activities and much more!She is a Grandma with all kinds of hobbies and activities living in the great state of Georgia. Stop by and say Hello =)
Favorite Quilting Blogs
Noriko’s Star
I was able to finish up the last stitching on this section of Noriko’s Star
I was working on and take it outside for some photo’s – it wasn’t windy!
And th...
Oh Scrap! : Simple Inspiration
Sometimes inspiration for a quilt can come from the simplest item.
One of our "Pickers" let us know they had a couple bags of fabric for us.
The bags co...
2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.
Goodness! I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been. But I
have been quilting. You may notice that finishes were several months apart.
I c...
You are just so sweet, thank you very much!!